About Donut
Age 5
Donut is a lively child who loves to join in the collective spirit and fun of all activities with her friends and also with adults. She likes everything, dance, games, singing as well as studying. She is quick to pick up new things and also is quick to react emotionally. She has music in her heart, whenever she hears music, not matter where she is, her feet start tapping to the tune. When she’s with people she knows she can express her deeper feelings and thoughts. Once she said to her grandmother, “I think God loves those who are good.” When she’s with those she does not know well, she will be more reticent to converse freely.

Donut's Family
Donut lives with her grandmother and grandfather who have ‘adopted’ her as their own. It is quite a common occurrence in Lao families for relatives to ‘adopt’ a child (either long-term or short-term) of the extended family if the birth mother or father cannot provide for the child for any number of reasons. Her grandmother is a caretaker of toddlers in our kindergarten and her grandfather is a labourer. She has an older ‘sister’ who works as a sales assistant and who is the teenage daughter of her grandmother.