Become a Sponsor for 2024 - 2025
We have successfully concluded the first year at our newly constructed primary and middle school. Thank you to all our sponsors and donors for your support. The coming year, 2024 – 2025, looks to be a better one for us. Our school has become known in the new location and so enrollment has increased considerably for 2024-2025.
The past year has been a really tough one as the deplorable economic situation in Laos continues to worsen (now at around 120% devaluation of local currency and still falling). Therefore, we will be continuing our student sponsorship program. Several of our old sponsors have pledged their on-going support. Still, we are seeking sponsors for the monthly school fees of 1,300,000 LAK ($60 USD) for 10 students who normally attend Sunshine School free of charge. The income from sponsors will help ensure that the school can continue to offer quality education to students of families who, without scholarships or support, could not access the comprehensive education that Sunshine offers.

Sponsor a Student
These students are hungry to learn, eager to share their knowledge, and are ready to chase their dreams. Their parents, some of whom are school staff, are actively engaged in the children’s education, to ensure that the kids can realize their amazing potential. Our sponsors can enable them to achieve their goals, as well as enabling their parents can continue to work in a fulfilling environment with salary enough to meet the rising costs of living.